Wellness Experience
Nestled in the heart of horse country, between Greensfelder Park and Rockwood Reservation off Highway 109, BraveHart Wellness serves both individuals and groups who are looking for a respite from their busy, stressful lives. Located in the Wildwood/Eureka area, we are only 40 minutes from downtown St. Louis yet offer the tranquility of pure country.
Maggie, Viggo, Phoebe and Annie, our four horses are the star attractions, and by their very nature remind us of our lineage to nature, and the power it has to heal. Each horse has his or her own story (three of them are rescues), and by their very nature teach us about the healing benefits of mindfulness. They inspire us daily to be mindful of who we are right now, to be open to all possibilities, and remind us that the only really important aspect of life is our relationships, not only with others, but ourselves as well. They are our teachers and our guides.
There is something mending and soothing about simply observing horses in a pasture and their interactions as many of our clients, family and friends have found. In addition to just "hanging out" with the horses, we offer one-on-one time grooming, walking, or playing, and of course, treating them to cookies. During their visits, people find their interaction with a horse (either by their picking or the horse’s), allows them to discover something new about themselves. Many individuals find rejuvenation in nature and healing from a bond with another sentient being (one that weighs 1,000+ pounds). Everyone leaves with a calmer consciousness and a big smile!
How I Can
Help You
Equine Meditation + Wellness Coach
Whether you are looking for something fun and different to do with friends or family, or if you are searching for life enrichment opportunities where nature and experiences with horses are combined, reach out – even if you've only had little to no experience with these magnificent creatures​.
Our programs are designed to incorporate breath work, mindfulness, yoga/movement, exercises to engage all 5 senses, and forest-bathing for a sense of health and wellness.
Learn more about BraveHart Principles here.